Hospital Checklist being used by Dry Dock & CT Caregivers

Wallingford's Dry Dock Founder asked about my Hospital Checklist and how to use it after hearing me testify to the Public Health Committee two weeks ago.​  After testifying in Middletown in front of another Legislative Committee I met one of our new State Representatives, he's sharing it with several of his constituents who are faced with the same HIPPA issues many families do when they are 'taking their loved ones home'.   

I urge you to share, edit & use the checklist found here Hospital Checklist tab.

Handout for Fairfield SEPTA mtg 3.13.13

CT Legislative Bills to Watch * Contact your Legislators *  Let them know your position on the issues that matter to you & your loved ones.  If you don’t let them know, they can’t help you.  * 5 calls or emails are all that is needed to change a vote (edited)

What to write or say:

My Testimony can be found by clicking the following link ( advocacy tab above). Feel free to take the information that makes sense to you, add your name, the town you live in, whether you oppose or support the bill and either email or call your Legislator.  If you don’t use your voice for your loved one, nothing will change.  Your voice is important and matters.

What Are the BIG Bills being considered this session that affect you?

*857     STEP OR ‘FAIL-FIRST’ THERAPY        Oppose, Strongly



6546    PHYSICAL THERAPY COVERAGE (MY TESTIMONY WILL CENTER ON BEHAVIORAL AND MENTAL HEALTH SHOULD BE COVERED IF THIS IS.)     Oppose as written, support with Mental Behavioral Health Therapies Included

*6517   PARITY COMPLIANCE & OVERSIGHT.       Support




**374   IN SCHOOL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SCREENINGS       Oppose- Strongly as written and probably with changes.


6612    MENTAL HEALTH PARITY & OVERSIGHT       Support, Strongly

1087    RESPITE (SHOULD INCLUDE DEVELOPMENTAL, BEHAVIORAL & MENTAL HEALTH)       Oppose as written, Support with changes to include M/BH

Legislator Contact Info:

Senator John McKinney               

Representative Tony Hwang           

Representative Brenda Kupchick  

Representative Kim Fawcett          

How to find what Bills are being heard that week or more info on the ones listed?

Go to

Type in the Bill numbers at the top of the page for the full bill, more info, etc.

Why Bother? Am I heard?

Remember even if a hearing happened the vote hasn’t.  Your legislators need to hear from you.

The gun lobby is flooding email boxes at the Legislature. Mental and Behavioral Health Advocates ARE NOT!  The feeling is that all is fine so what needs to be fixed. The reality is that as caregivers we have NO TIME. This is my way of making it as easy as possible for you to be heard.

Please visit for:

Hospital Checklist:  For when your loved one is released.  Now being used by several non-profits, Legislators and caregivers throughout the state.

Testimony: To get comfortable with the process.

Links: To important info and agencies.

Daily Blogs: On topics that affect our loved ones and us as caregivers.

Support: Through the information provided, group and individual work.


​Handout #2  Turtles & Lemonade, Legislative Issues and what they mean to us this year.

What is Parity?

If you don’t accept the concept of insurance parity, you accept the premise that a person with stage 4 cancer whether 13 or 65, in excruciating pain goes to an emergency room to get care; and as soon as their pain is managed, whether that is in 4 hours, or after three days when the insurance company stops paying, pain free or not, they’re sent home with a prescription only?  No follow-up, no support, nothing, until the next time they are in so much pain they need to come back.  That could be hours, days, weeks, or months later. But make no mistake about it, until that person passes away they will be back and they will be in the ER with crisis level pain and all of the associated costs; real costs by insurance, family, personal, employment loss, etc.

You would probably say that this is unacceptable for any reasonable person.

Now substitute mental illness for cancer in the above scenario. That is the EXACT practice that we have in this country.  I’m testifying to that fact today.   

That is not parity.  That isn’t managed care. It is cruelty and certainly not what we expect to get when paying our premiums.

We would never accept a medications-only approach for our loved ones with cancer, without exploring the options and services available for the most successful outcome and quality of life available to them.

Insurance companies pressure the medical community to ignore proven successful best practices for quality of life and recovery when it comes to mental health services and maintenance.

Mental Illness/Behavioral Health Issues are no different from cancer, or heart disease or diabetes.  Society may not think that, or like that, but that is a fact.

Many caregivers feel that the goal of insurance companies with respect to Behavioral/Mental Health are to give them a prescription to mask the problem or manage symptoms, send them on their way, and hope they don’t return which means they’ve passed due to negligent care.  That is the exact opposite of our goal and our loved one’s goal. It is our feeling that the Insurance Industry’s position is that by using this model our loved ones sooner or later will no longer be a drain on their profits.  What other demographic would we, as a society, accept this for?

As with cancer, early detection and managed care work.  It is the most cost effective model for insurance companies, patients and society.

Enforce the insurance parity laws currently on the books in CT.  Begin true oversight.  Add substantial penalties and no loopholes.  Caregivers need to be able to trigger these penalties for our loved ones who are unable to for themselves.  If you chose to do nothing you need be content with the insurance companies wish for these services to ONLY be offered by the government.  Yet, remember that puts the burden for healthcare, support, housing, food, unemployment and SSI on to you.

We need these new oversight laws before the Legislature this session passed in order to put insurance companies on notice that they’re being watched and will be held accountable. We need teeth behind our parity laws with respect to behavior/mental health services. (CT OHA & Insurance Commission currently are where to report your issues).  Insurance companies have benefitted by the inability of those who suffer from chronic mental illness/severe developmental disabilities/behavioral issues to properly fill out insurance paperwork, advocate and be tenacious enough to break through their cumbersome system in order to access covered or available services and HIPPA laws which prevent caregivers from helping them.

We pay insurance premiums expecting to get what we pay for, yet rarely do when it comes to behavioral health.  Yet, if we don’t pay our premium we don’t get covered care.  Why are insurance companies that aren’t providing covered care still allowed to be serving the public that PAYS for their service?


When an insurance company changes a brand name med to a generic. The change is not by a Doctor. This saves the company money and has dire consequences when applied to any med that deals with the brain.  These meds are supposed to be prohibited from this practice.  That isn’t the case though.

Would this happen if insurance companies knew there was true oversight and more than a slap on their hand…if reported? Why are our CT non-profits held to a higher standard?

The true costs of providing proper mental health care coverage will decrease not increase insurance costs, reducing overall health care cost to all.  Providing proper coverage will also reduce the need and associated costs of emergency hospitalizations.

Great Resources

  • The Public Health Committee’s December 18, 2012 report.
  • The Connecticut Office of the Health Advocates January 5, 2013 report.
  • The 2003 Blue Ribbon Commission Report.